The infamous magical order " The Hermetic Golden Dawn " reached out to Florence to explain there theory on why The International Court Of Justice want's to ban abortion. In our interview with Saturnio head of the magical fraternal organization he mentions about the ordeal associated with what happens with the soul after it separates from the body. Through mechanical science the soul consist of neurons and protons and theology reference when a individual dies they become Sapien as if there born into the world as Homo Sapien as they depart the world as Sapien.
Saturnio states he had a internship with Operation Majestic Twelve behind his revolving scene of being into Hermetics and states there is a big chaotic decree behind abortion. He claims that when a fetus is aborted it is reborn again at a orphanage in the perception of ones eyes " heaven ". He claims that the Atlanteans are in a depressive state behind the transfusive light call on all mortal species being born at " day " ( referencing present terms ) are entitled to well being and life. He says to abort a fetus is the ultimate crime you could commit in the galactic federal union which he feels is bias behind the nature of women not knowing the true nature of the guilt associated with. He states that 78 percent of the women who get abortions see there bi products when they cross over to the after life and ask to be alpha omega "sealed for all eternity". Saturnio is currently living with his wife in Cairo , Egypt. He noted the imperil invoking's of the world has made him PTSD. Below is a picture of abortion statistics in the United States of America during the year of 2024.
This story is still in development. Updates will follow.