A publicist of the federal burea investigation has leaked information regarding The Edgecombe Serial Killer phenomenon. The publicist says a transgendered woman who now identify as a male named as " Edward Brudder " was a key perpetrator in the ongoing investigation. Sources say that his transgender daughter " Flores Brudder " who identify as a male would entice and seduced prostitutes in the area of Rocky Mount, NC bring them to a undisclosed location outside of Nashville, NC town limits and perform acts of mutilation to the women. Sources say that Rocky Mount Police Département, Nashville Police Department, Nash and Edgecombe County sheriffs would record Edward Brudder performing sexual acts to their mutualize corpses and made profits off the gruesome video footage.
The individual Edward Brudder transgendered ex-spouse who was born as a male but identify as a woman named " Claudelia Ramsey ", husband works at the City Hall of Rocky Mount. Her husband help cover up the brutal acts by helping local law authorities have Antwan Maurice Pittman street aliases known as " Mr Drop A Bitch Off " a perpetrator in the crime of events not testify on Rocky Mount Police Département, Nashville Police Department, Nash, Edgecombe County sheriffs, Edward Brudder, and Flores Brudder involvement in the gruesome acts. Claudelia Ramsey is currently being investigated for crimes such as human trafficking, embezzlement, criminal enterprise, kidnapping and violation of the USA Patriot Act. The story is still being developed. Check for updates. Below is a leaked copy of the people involved federal transcript " crimes they committed ".